Improving Erasmus + projects from the point of view of quality, solution of accidents and risk prevention
Providing youth workers with the necessary skills to deal with emergency / accident / risky situations in a successful manner, minimizing the consequences
Giving to young people who participate in mobility projects greater guarantees of safety and reliability
Incidents such as serious accidents, suicide attempting, deaths, psychotic outbreaks, loss of documentation, violence, gender violence unfortunately occur in the projects where young people are participating. Those problematic situations can reverse into worse ones if the youth worker or youth leader or even the staff members responsible for the event are not ready to react in front of such unpleasant situations. And from the expressed concern, and also life-lived experiences of youth workers and youth organizations representatives trying to deal with incidents, it has borne the idea of The Airbag of Erasmus+.
The main outcome of the project will be AIRBAG+, a mobile application, for both IOS and Android, and a web platform that will centralize all the information that Youth entities working in the frame of Erasmus+ programme need to have in their pocket when it comes to know about action protocols in emergency situations, incidents or potential conflicts prevention during a youth mobility, such as a training course, a youth exchange or a volunteer program.
AIRBAG+ is the innovative solution designed from the years of experience not only of the project partners, but all those active organizations in the field of Youth that sometimes, unfortunately, incurred in risky situations for them and also their participants. With this means, project organizers can improve the quality of the Youth mobility event, guaranteeing safety and risk prevention to their young participants.
Please, give us a feedback about the application!
Please, give us a hand to improve our APP, fulfilling the following questionnaire.
It’s extremely important more cases to be described in order to help more youth workers to know how to react and solve emergency cases.
Here you can find the latest news related to the project
Medina del Campo, Spain
Collection of content on problems and solutions related to mobilities of young individuals
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Bucarest, Romania
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Medina del Campo, Spain